Our work at Woodland High School

Henry County’s Woodland High School was Amitrace’s latest project. Much like our other educational solutions Woodland was looking for a complete overhaul of their studio in order to get the best possible student news program they could have. Naturally we were happy to assist.

Woodland would make use of several of their own cameras while Amitrace provided Ikan™ PT3700 Teleprompters.

Woodland’s broadcast studio had a professional set up with their control room separated from their actual news desk and studio. The control room made use of a NewTek™ TriCaster TC1, several brand new Asus™ monitors and a Mackie™ 16-channel audio mixer to control multiple audio sources from talent.

The control room also made use of Blackmagic Design™ devices.

Amitrace worked on providing a new desk for the control room so that all of the equipment used to run the show could have a neat and organized place to sit.

Amitrace would like to thank Woodland High School for giving us the opportunity to work with them and help them create the best possible broadcasts that their students could ask for. If you have any questions about this project or doing something similar for your own school, feel free to reach out to us at sales@amitrace.com or 770-263-9190.

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